So I took a few new nature pictures today and to be honest I'm sure I like how they turned out but I'd appreciate you guys feedback. Thanks
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
New friends
I'm getting really tired of meeting people and then they say we're friends but they only udlse me to get what they want from me then ditch and pretend I don't exist. Its like nobody gets that I have feelings and I'm tired of being hitting especially by the ones I'm supposed to trust in the first place. I have many interests but nobody cares enough to listen then people have the nerve to say I never ask for help but when I do they always refuse to help or they say they will and never do so I guess I'm just on my own then that's fine with me one day they are going to come to me and I'm going to do the same thing they did to me karmas a bitch😂 and so am i
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
So there's someone I used to like but we're friends do I decided to forget those kind of feelings existed. Anyways I'm at the eye doctor and my eye sight at the moment is terrible due to the eye drops I'm just ready to go home right now
Friday, February 16, 2018
Okay so I told someone I liked them it didn't go how I hoped but I think I'm going to be okay knowing that one day she'll find someone to make her happy even it'll never be me and I'm okay with that its life I just have to keep living keep moving forward and it'll all be fine. Anyways we're friends and thats good enough for me plus I knoe one day I'll find the right person for me I just dtarted talking to someone new a week ago we're just starting to be friends ... Life gets curious and curiouser 👌🏽😁 (no names are mentioned for privacy purposes) ive gotten a few messages on Instagram about my blog some people actually like it so thanks for viewing my blog page.
True Love
So there's this girl I really like and k haven't liked anyone this much in a long time she's so kind smart beautiful, funny she makes me smile and laugh in ways I never thought possible anymore. She makes my heart want to scream and for some reason it feels like I met her before maybe a few years ago I'm not sure. Anyways I can't stop thinking about her, my heart is beyond protected and with her I think I'm willing to give her all of me. Maybe someday I'll meet my special someone in this lifetime but for me its just me and my dog 👌🏽💆🏽 I hope one day I'll happy I want that kind of love you'd die for and a kind of love to tell my kids and grandchildren someday.
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Sweet escape
Music is my heart my true love my religion its my escape into a world beyond my own just sci-fi movies I love watching . Sometimes you just got to put your headphones on turn it up loud and dance like nobody's watching trust me it's worth it
Bad Memories
There's this song by Exo-CBX called Horololo 👏😜 its amazing it reminds me of a backstreet boys theme which i love... Give it a listen ...